Parents Information

Consultations and Reports

Parent/Teacher consultations are held twice a year, with a written report provided in the Summer Term. For children in Year 2, this report will include the National Curriculum Attainment Levels. Parents are encouraged to schedule appointments with teachers for any queries or concerns as they arise, rather than waiting for scheduled consultations.

Parents of Reception children have consultations with our E.Y.F.S. teacher, before their child starts school and after the first term to report on observations as the child settles in.



We encourage children to share their schoolwork with you, which can include playing games to help with spelling, number work, and tables. Children can also be assisted in researching the current topic. We value parental involvement in our reading program and ask you to 'share' books with your children for about ten minutes at least three times a week.

Topic letters are issued each half-term to help parents support their child's learning. Regular information on ways to help your child will be provided.



Occasionally, children make educational visits to support their learning in specific curriculum areas. For some activities, a voluntary contribution will be requested.


School Hours

  • Morning session: 8:45 am - 12:00 pm
  • Afternoon session: 1:00 pm - 3:15 pm

Total school time: 32.5 hours per week

The school opens at 8:30 am, allowing children to choose an appropriate activity before lessons start. Once on school premises, no child is allowed to leave until 3:15 pm unless permission is granted by the Head Teacher, and a parent or authorised carer collects the child.


Absences from School

If your child is absent, a telephone message is sufficient, or you can access our 'Forms' page, which you could request a leave of absence during term time. Unexplained or lengthy absences must be investigated by the Education Welfare Officer. 



In case of an accident or illness at school, arrangements will be made for immediate medical attention if necessary, and parents will be informed as soon as possible. Alternatively, a parent or authorised carer will be contacted to take the child home. All parents are requested to provide an up-to-date emergency telephone number and address.

The administration of medicines must be discussed with the Head Teacher. Special provisions can be organised with parents for children who need constant medication.


School Meals

Lunchtime is an important part of the school day, with children having their meals in family groups in a relaxed and orderly manner. All children remain at school during the lunch time. While it is preferred for children to have a school meal, they may bring a packed lunch if desired. School meals are cooked on the premises, and the kitchen staff ensure the best possible meals to provide a healthy, well-balanced diet. Lunch consists of a two-course meal, with menus carefully designed to meet the nutritional needs of young children. Special diets and allergies are catered for, and particular attention is given to teaching good table manners and proper use of cutlery.


Dinner Money

The price of school meals is £2.30 per day (£11.50 per week), payable via SchoolMoney. Children in Reception, Year 1, and Year 2 receive a free school meal under the Universal Free School Meal Government initiative effective from 1st September 2014.



Milk is free for children under 5 for the whole term and costs approximately £1.25 per week, payable termly in advance for all other children, except those eligible for free school meals, for whom it is free. There are no reductions for any cartons not consumed due to absence.