Sports Premium

Sports Premium


What is Sports Premium?

The Government is providing £150 million per year, for two years, directly to schools to improve the quality of sports and P.E. for all children. This funding is ring-fenced and can only be spent on P.E. and sports provision in schools.


Sports Premium Funding

The funding has been used as follows:

  • Providing a specialist P.E. teacher each half term to support and enhance the delivery of the P.E. curriculum.
  • Purchasing additional P.E. resources.
  • Offering professional development opportunities for staff in P.E. and sports.
  • Increasing opportunities for children to work with children from other schools.
  • Running after-school clubs led by specialist P.E. teachers.
  • Providing transport for children to participate in competitions with other schools in the partnership.
  • Offering Forest School activities for all age groups to develop physical skills and team cooperation.
  • Maintaining outdoor apparatus and replacing sections as needed.

Impact of Provision

The provision has had a positive impact on the children’s confidence, pride, physical ability, and health. This is sustained through our continued participation in the Tynedale Sports Premium Funding and half-termly planning that enables children to partake in sporting events and opportunities.


The specialist P.E. teacher allows us to offer a variety of sports and skills. These skills reflect in the classroom through improved physical fine motor control and an attitude of perseverance. The children’s self-esteem and confidence are boosted, which translates into their classroom work. They develop stamina and physical ability to cope with a demanding curriculum, enhancing their physical health and well-being. They also engage in fun activities and develop respect for sports and physical activity.


Through Sports Premium funding, children can travel to competitions and events, fostering teamwork, leadership, participation, and pride in being part of the Chollerton School community. Achievements are celebrated at school, recognizing both team spirit and participation.


We were awarded the Platinum Award from the School Games Awards. We are proud of our children’s determination, stamina, and teamwork.


Sports Premium Funding 2024-2025

This year, the school has been allocated £16,310.00.


How this funding has been used:

  • Providing a specialist P.E. teacher each half term to support and enhance the delivery of the P.E. curriculum (£7,000)
  • Offering professional development opportunities for staff in P.E. and sports (3 days of training)
  • Increasing opportunities for children to work with children from other schools
  • Running after-school clubs led by specialist P.E. teachers
  • Providing transport for children to participate in competitions with other schools in the partnership
  • Offering Playground Leadership Training for our KS2 children
  • Extending Forest School activities for KS1 and KS2 children to develop physical skills and team cooperation


The impact of this provision has been monitored throughout the year by the Headteacher and reported to Governors each term.



The children have enjoyed a wide variety of sporting activities both in and out of school. They have participated in team activities with children from other schools, encouraging socialization beyond Chollerton. Our P.E. specialist delivered a range of activities, covering various skills and introducing different sports and their rules. After-school clubs were well attended and looked forward to, further enhancing fundamental movement skills. The children participated in a wide range of activities. Forest School activities were extended to the whole school. Our children are very active and understand the benefits of exercise on both mind and body.